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Welcome to the website of
the first graduating class
of Sammamish High School

This is the home of the
Class of 1961

Go Totems!


All classmates and teachers
from the Class of 1961 are welcome here.

Joining our website is easy. It's free and secure.
As a member, you will have access to all pages
and features of the site.




Official Sammamish High School
Class of '61 Website

This site has been created and is managed by fellow classmates at zero cost to you. It exists to promote, celebrate and reconnect with all members of our class of 1961.

Once you join the site, you'll find announcements about activities of fellow classmates, up-to-date reunion information (when a reunion is being planned), plenty of memories from our high school days, and a great way to see what's become of everyone and reconnect with old friends.

This site isn't about
waistlines, hairlines, or credit lines.
It's about lifelines.
It's about reconnecting with our friends
from some of the best years of our lives!




About Announcements

You must be logged in to view announcements about our classmates or that contain information about our class. For privacy purposes, these kinds of announcements are restricted to be viewed by members only.

If you are a member, click here to return to the top of the home page and log in.



Website Statistics

Home page visits since 11/21/10: 182,986

Classmates registered on our website: 91

Active classmates: 52 *

Inactive classmates: 39

Teachers registered on our website: 7

Guests registered on our website: 10

* Active classmates defined as having visited our website within the last 6 months

Classmates Detail

        Our 1961 class included 183 classmates:

  • 57% (103) have been found
    • 50% (91) are registered on our website
    •  7% (12) have been contacted but have not registered on our website
  • 21% (39) have not been found
  • 22% (41) are deceased

Posted 4/11/21



Click here to view the current time.
(Clocks open in a pop-up window.)


Website Quick FAQ

* An asterisk in front of a link indicates a page viewable only to class members who are registered and logged in.

Is this your first time here? Are you a member of the SHS Class of 1961? Find out how to join our site by clicking First Time Visitors, a secondary navigation link under How To Use This Site, at the top of the left-hand menu bar.

For members, check out updates to the website: see the What's New Box, at the top of this page. Note: You have to be logged in to see this box.

How to use the website: click Using Our Site, a secondary navigation link under How To Use This Site, at the top of the left-hand menu bar.

To ask questions: click Contact Us, in the top menu bar.

Check back often...
we have a class reunion here every day!

This is the official website for the Sammamish High School Class of 1961. This website is owned by our class and the content is being created by our class. Use of the website is absolutely free to members of the SHS Class of 1961. Your information on this website, including your email address, is not made available to anyone outside our class. We do not carry advertising. Only registered classmates who are logged in have access to most of the contents of the site.



If you stare at this picture long enough,

You will see a giraffe.


PRIVACY NOTICE: All contact information (address, phone number, email address) entered into this website will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your contact information is private: when someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city, state, and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your profile. You can grant permission on your profile for your address and phone number to be seen. Your email address is not visible on the website, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your profile page.

PLEASE NOTE: This site is for attendees, graduates, and teachers of Sammamish High School Class of 1961, including guests. It is completely FREE to all of the above and is privacy protected. There will NEVER be annoying advertising on this site.
ABOUT USING THIS WEBSITE: This website has been developed for the exclusive and secure use of members of the Sammamish High School Class of 1961, including guest members. We have built it so that you can reconnect with your friends from back in the day. Please reminisce, remember and share. Always use your best manners while visiting.
MEMBERSHIP DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to block access to this website to anyone who misuses or abuses it. All membership will be granted or denied at the discretion of the website administrator. All memberships may be revoked at the discretion of the website administrator.
SITE CONTENT: Information provided on this site is obtained on a “best efforts” basis and no one shall be held liable for any errors or omissions. While the content of this site is provided in good faith, we do not guarantee that the information will be kept up to date, be accurate and complete, or that this site will always be available for use. To correct any information other than your own profile data, which you can update yourself, please go to the CONTACT US link and send your comments to the website administrator.
COPYRIGHTS: Material on this website, including text and images, is protected by copyright law and is copyright to the respective owners unless credited otherwise. It may not be copied, reproduced, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Prior written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained for any other use of material. Copyrights of all images on this site remain with the artist or copyright owner at all times.
ABOUT US: This is the website of the Sammamish High School Class of 1961, including guest members. We can be reached at: Site Administrator,

Are you looking for help in creating a reunion website? If you are interested in learning more about our experience using for this website, please send email to our Site Administrator, at And if you decide to use ClassCreator for your reunion website, please use this link to their home page: ClassCreator. Your referral will give us a credit toward the cost of operating our site. If you have a friend who might be interested in using ClassCreator, you can give your friend our referral code of M3700806 or this web address link: